

Main Features:
Barrier washers separate the laundry operation into a solid side and a clean side .Laundry to be processed is loaded from the side of the washer and unloaded from the clean side. As a result, A barrier washer is a ideal solution for fighting nosocomial infections in health are institutions. We also offer clean-room models that ensure the dust-free environment required in micro-electronics industry as well as in photoelectric manufacture.
Hygiene Barrier Washer Extractor Machine Main Techincal Parameter
型号 Type 单位  Unit BW100 BW50
额定容量(最大) Rated capacity(Max.) kg 100 50
脱水因子(高脱) G-force(high extractor)   380 320
电源 Power supply VP/HZ 380/3/50 380/3/50
电机功率 Motor power KW 11 7.5
接口 Connection      
冷水 Cold water DN 40 25
热水 Hot water DN 40 25
蒸汽 Steam DN 25 25
外形尺寸 Overall Size      
宽度 Width mm 2105 1976
深度 Depth mm 1580 1420
高度 Height mm 2120 1865
整机重量 Machine weight kg 2800 1800

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