主要特点: 卫生隔离式洗衣机理念将洗衣房分成了洁净区和非洁净区两个独立的操作区间。洗涤物由位于非洁净区一侧的机门装入,洗涤完毕后从位于洁净区一侧的机门取出。防止洗涤物由于从非洁净区装载和出料引起的交叉污染,是无尘工业和医院洗衣房的理想解决方案。 |
Main Features: Barrier washers separate the laundry operation into a solid side and a clean side .Laundry to be processed is loaded from the side of the washer and unloaded from the clean side. As a result, A barrier washer is a ideal solution for fighting nosocomial infections in health are institutions. We also offer clean-room models that ensure the dust-free environment required in micro-electronics industry as well as in photoelectric manufacture. |
卫生隔离式洗衣机主要技术参数 Hygiene Barrier Washer Extractor Machine Main Techincal Parameter |